SQL- student database

Create a student database (rollno,name,tot_marks,trade). Write a PL/SQL program to create student details for each trade adding an extra field 'rank' which includes the ranking details of each student. Also print top 3 rankers.


create table student(rollno INT,name char(25),tot_marks number(10),trade char(25));

create table IT(rollno INT,name char(25),tot_marks number(10),trade char(25),rank number(3));

create table CS(rollno INT,name char(25),tot_marks number(10),trade char(25),rank number(3));




 rno INT;

 nam char(25);

 tot number(10);

 trd char(25);

 rnk number(3);

 mx number(10);

 cursor curr is select * from student;

 cursor cit is select * from IT;

 cursor ccs is select * from CS;

 i number(4);


 delete from IT;

 delete from CS;

 open curr;


 fetch curr into rno,nam,tot,trd;

 if(curr%found) then

 if trd='IT' then

 insert into IT values(rno,nam,tot,trd,rnk);

 elsif trd='CS' then

 insert into CS values(rno,nam,tot,trd,rnk);

 end if;



 end if;

 end loop;


 close curr;


 update CS set rank=null;

 open ccs;


 fetch ccs into rno,nam,tot,trd,rnk;

 if(ccs%found) then

 select max(tot_marks) into mx from CS where rank is null;

 update CS set rank=i where tot_marks=mx;




 end if;

 end loop;


 close ccs;


 update IT set rank=null;

 open cit;


 fetch cit into rno,nam,tot,trd,rnk;

 if(cit%found) then

 select max(tot_marks) into mx from IT where rank is null;

 update IT set rank=i where tot_marks=mx;




 end if;

 end loop;


 close cit;




select * from IT order by rank;


select * from CS order by rank;



SQL> select * from student;

   ROLLNO      NAME                      TOT_MARKS     TRADE


        1             Ammu                          555                     IT

        2             Appu                            556                     IT

        1             Tinto                            585                     CS

        2             Tintumon                      598                     CS

        3             Kuttoos                        542                     IT

        3             Tuttu                            562                     CS


6 rows selected.


SQL> select * from IT;


   ROLLNO      NAME             TOT_MARKS                   TRADE                     RANK


        1             Ammu                                555                    IT                                2

        2             Appu                                  556                    IT                                1

        3             Kuttoos                               542                    IT                                3


SQL> select * from CS;


   ROLLNO    NAME                      TOT_MARKS       TRADE                      RANK


        1             Tinto                           585                      CS                                  2

        2             Tintumon                     598                      CS                                  1

        3             Tuttu                           562                      CS                                  3

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