Home java Java-Moving a file
Java-Moving a file
import java.io.*; public class MoveFile { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { switch (args.length) { case 0: System.out.println("Error in usage:"); System.out.println("Usage: java MoveFile "); break; case 1: System.out.println("Specify the destination file.\n"); System.out.println("\tUsage: java MoveFile "); break; case 2: File source_file = new File(args[0]); File dest_file = new File(args[1]); /******************************************************************** * If the file does not exist, show an error message * * and stop the program. * ********************************************************************/ if (! source_file.exists()) { System.out.println(args[0] + " Not Found !!!"); System.exit(0); } /******************************************************************** * If the file exists, ask if the file is to be overwritten. * * (i) If the response is "Y" or "y", then overwrite it by * * invoking the move method. * * (ii)If the response is "N" or "n", then cancel move operation. * ********************************************************************/ if (dest_file.exists()) { System.out.print(args[1] + " file already exists. Overwrite? (y/n): "); int response = System.in.read(); if (response == 'Y' || response == 'y') { // if you do not want to overwrite the file. moveFile(source_file, dest_file); // user-defined function } else { System.out.println("File move operation aborted !!!"); System.exit(0); } } else { moveFile(source_file, dest_file); } } } public static void moveFile(File source_file, File dest_file) throws IOException { System.out.print("Move file? (y/n): "); System.in.skip(System.in.available());//Emptying the Keyboard Buffer. int response = System.in.read(); if (response == 'Y' || response == 'y') { // if you want to move the file. /********************************************************************** * Creating streams for reading and writing source/destination files. * **********************************************************************/ String source_file_str = source_file.getAbsolutePath(); String dest_file_str = dest_file.getAbsolutePath(); String source_file_dir = source_file_str.substring(0, source_file_str.lastIndexOf('\\'));//truncating the filename String dest_file_dir = dest_file_str.substring(0, dest_file_str.lastIndexOf('\\')); System.out.println("Source File Abs Path: " + source_file_str); System.out.println("Source Dir: " + source_file_dir); System.out.println("Dest File Abs Path: " + dest_file_str); System.out.println("Dest Dir: " + dest_file_dir); if (source_file_dir.equals(dest_file_dir)) { System.out.println("Renaming file " + source_file.getName() + " to " + dest_file.getName() + " !!!"); source_file.renameTo(new File(dest_file.getName())); } else { FileInputStream input_file = new FileInputStream( source_file); FileOutputStream output_file = new FileOutputStream( dest_file); /********************************************************************** * (i) Finding the size of the source file using available(). * * (ii) Creating a byte array, the no. of elements of which is equal * * to the size of source file. * * (iii)Read data from the source file into the byte array. * * (iv) Write the byte array to the destination file. * **********************************************************************/ System.out.println("Moving file " + source_file.getName() + " to " + dest_file.getName() + " !!!"); int file_size = input_file.available(); byte input_file_data[] = new byte[file_size]; input_file.read(input_file_data); output_file.write(input_file_data); /********************************************************************** * Close the input/output streams. * **********************************************************************/ input_file.close(); output_file.close(); source_file.delete(); } /********************************************************************** * Delete the source file and return a successful process message. * **********************************************************************/ System.out.println("File " + source_file.getName() + " successfully moved to " + dest_file.getName() + " !!!"); } else {// if you do not want to move the file. System.out.println("File move operation aborted !!!"); System.exit(0); } } }